Silber Cyber Monday Results

Okay, so here’s the numbers story for this Cyber Monday download thing I did.

Typical day on Bandcamp for Silber is about 30 plays & a day where I send a newsletter is typically 250.  A bunch of the releases were up on Bandcamp for the first time Sunday evening, so that created a natural spike of 100 listens for that day. Total of number of plays for yesterday was 145 & in the past 6 hours we have 60, so there is perhaps some residual effect.

Total downloads was 72.  Which with 19 releases could mean as few as 4 people took part, though I like to personally believe it was closer to 20.

My social media reaction

1 post with 5 retweets (thanks Jessica Bailiff Sweet, Sean Caldwell, Babysue, If Thousands, & Rivulets) & somehow only 1 like (hi again If Thousands!).  I admit I suck at Twitter, but with 1795 followers (which I think is less than it used to be, presumably because of people managing accounts with robots & me not being an “active user”, but I imagine also because I mainly just post stories about Silber & don’t like or retweet anything else – as I said, I suck at Twitter because I know how to use it effectively & just choose to spend my time doing other things).

Personal Facebook
1 post (via my Twitter automation) with 2 likes & 3 shares (thanks Philip & John & Dawn)
1 post to Silber group page with 3 likes & 1 share (thanks Jason)

Silber Facebook
19 posts with a total of 49 likes & 6 shares

Remora Facebook
1 post with 0 likes & 0 shares.

Small Life Form Facebook
1 post with 3 likes & 0 shares

So should I have spent the time on this project on writing press releases for the upcoming stuff?  Probably.  But I’m glad I did it, tried something new & re-invigorated my personal love of the back catalog.

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