Tag Archives: Billy Corgan

Promute, Rivulets, Bottle Comics, Panthan, Butterfly Corpse, Billy Corgan

Here’s a video Promute did for an installation in Taos, NM that Ben Link Collins had.

I think I posted on here about it a while back, but the funding for the Rivulets music videos/short films is going pretty well.  …

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One Response to Promute, Rivulets, Bottle Comics, Panthan, Butterfly Corpse, Billy Corgan

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    I forget what i was reading but it was about back in the day when people put ads on boards looking for other musicians. So the metal & punk flyers would always say NO POSERS. But really who would read that and go, “i’m a poser so i shouldn’t call them”

    RSmith, got a lot of shite for saying the Radiohead paywhatyouwant model was stupid and only works because they were already one of the biggest bands in the world. Complete with the “you jealous cuz your band isn’t relevant anymore” commentary. I personally think this and his other rant that got some traction awhile ago were pretty spot on, but much like his music, his delivery does nothing for me.