“i’m super busy on other projects, make a donation and i will see what i can do for you.”
Okay, that’s a quote from a music reviewer about if they were going to be able to review the new releases. Wow, seriously? I mean at least give me a spiel about how an ad would raise visibility amongst reviewers so they’d be more likely to select it to review. I’d rather just make my interns do reviews & submit them to sites than out right pay….
So I got up this morning, filled some orders & hunkered down answering email responses to yesterday’s blast to reviewers. I’m caught up now just thirteen hours later. Still need to send out the emails to radio stations & do the follow ups to those sent physical units. Maybe I have too many goals for a single day at times….
It looks like the original Rivulets EP from 1999/2000 will be re-issued on Death in Silberia.
I’m kind of embarrassed that I’m looking forward to V tomorrow night….