So I’m trying to be upbeat. Hence the photo above. A couple rough days trying to work with distros. Going to be re-working things in my brain a bit over the next couple of weeks.
I was a guest on the Sequential Underground Podcast & we recorded that tonight. It was mainly a bunch of unfocused rambling. The topic was, what to do to positively impact your career as a cartoonist for just $500. I’ll put up the link when it goes up in a day or two.
Here’s a fan made video for a Goddakk song:
& here’s a video from my reading at Cyberpunk Apocalypse back in November (unfortunately the blood portion didn’t come out):
Last Night’s Dream:
I’m on tour with The Independents in Iraq. I’m driving & whoever it is in the passenger seat goes to sleep & falls over on to my lap & I freak out & almost wreck the van & miss my turn.
whooooa! why didnt you tell me the video was up?? bummer about the lack of blood – i will never get to see it!!! *PROUD*
Without the blood, the video doesn’t really make a lot of sense for me. I mean, I essentially wrote that comic for the exclusive purpose of spitting blood at a reading. It reads to seriously as it is for me.