Had to do a last minute remix for Aarktica. Took around six hours including writing & recording my parts as well as mixing it & having a final version ready. Not too bad. & of course I can just take out his original bits & then I have a new Remora song….
Started an ad campaign on Facebook. They definitely have some superiority in getting nitty gritty on advertising to very particular folks. But we’ll see if it generates traffic, sales, or headaches.
Anwered about 100 & some emails about the new releases follow-ups. Getting a decent amount of reviews & radio play. I’ll post the reviews up tomorrow.
Talked with Jon DeRosa (Aarktica) about what it takes to become a hot new buzz band. The answer is $15,000. It makes me wonder if it would be worth it. Because if I can get a buzz that generates a couple of ad placements I’d end up in the black. But of course there’s the whole $15,000 part. The more Silber becomes a real business, the more freaked out I am. I miss going to work & not thinking for 9 hours.
Talked with Jeremy Bennett (Sorry Welcome) a bit about doing the online download sales thing because he works for a company that does that. The problem is the place his company works through charges $150 a month. I was hoping to pay $100 to get the whole shop set-up & automated in such a way that I could do any expansion of the catalog myself. Or actually I was hoping to do it for free, but $100 sounded realistic. We’ll see what happens. I’ll probably talk with Brian McKenzie (Electric Bird Noise) about it in the next few days as he already has a site running.
If there are any coders out there, here are the things I’m looking to do:
Downloads: I want to do the thing where people send me money via Paypal then they are emailed a link that is good for 24 hours to download a zip file of an individual album. But I want obviously to only have the file hosted one time. I want to need to not do anything unless they have an issue. I want to be able to upload the content & make the buttons & everything myself for future things so it’s just a one time thing getting it set up.
Blogging: I still want to get this blog moved over to the Silber site. People tell me, it’s easy to set up wordpress, but I’m not sure what that means. My internet savy is stuck in 1998. I want to be able to type stuff in & have people able to put comments on it & subscribe to know when there are updates.