The day went by quicker than anticipated.
Printed some comics, hoping to get them assembled & mailed out tomorrow.
Working on staying on top of all the emails about the new records takes a whole day in itself right now.
It seems that for the past few months over 50% of my sales are in Europe. I find this interesting since it’s maybe 20% of my promos going there.
Still trying to find someone to help make an onsite digital download store. Four feelers out there now trying to find out if what I’m willing to compromise with can be done (you may remember that my original ideas for a digital store a year ago were shot down by the fact that neither Apple nor Amazon were able to have the technology on their sites, but I have heard enough stories of positive reactions to the emailed zip links to go ahead with that model). What quality do you think people want for as a bit rate? Is 192 plenty or do I need to go with 256? The problem of course is 256 is larger files which means a longer time to download which means more likely for a download error. I’m not personally really convinced there’s any audible difference between the two anyway, but maybe some of you reading this can discuss the idea. One thing I am planning to do at least for the releases on Death in Silberia is to offer the booklet as a PDF that will be more detailed than ever would have been afforded with a traditional CD.
The release of the Sarah June album has officially been post-pone until January for release. Time is just passing too quickly.