it was such a surprise you were still alive & I was so happy & pleased

I got a show tonight, so I need to make the blog entry a little early.

Filled some orders today & did some more work with promo for the HH & NV.  I’m not sure that job will ever finish sometimes.  It starts to feel like the money a lot of promo shops charge is worth it at times.

Recorded some stuff with my niece & nephew today.  I could probably salvage a decent pop song out of it, but it’s hard to get them to perform with consistency.  Oddly enough the drum part my nephew wrote sounds like Joy Division (it’s basically all toms), which is cool.  We recorded for an hour & then I spent an hour getting it edited down to be listenable.  Best line from my nephew: “It was such a surprise you were still alive & I was so happy & pleased.”

Time to get ready for the show.  Hopefully I sell some cupcakes.

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