So I think I mentioned that I did a little interview about my comics a week or so ago. Here’s the link to it.
I’m getting pretty frustrated with my Bottle Comic Kickstarter. I logged on today & three backers had left the project along with about $100. Pretty disconcerting. I thought this was going to be a $2000 money maker like my last Kickstarter, but I guess it isn’t. Oh, I also think it’s worth noting the project has 78 “likes” but only 28 backers. It makes me ready to give up on the hope of success with Kickstarter as a way to really make my art break through. I thought I was going to get maybe 80 of the 85 backers of the last project returning & then new folks as well. My personal goal was 100 backers. At 28 & less than three weeks to go, I just don’t think it is going to happen. Much less my goals to get enough money to finance custom bottle openers & t-shirts. I mean, I’m still happy that I got enough funding to make the project happen & hopefully there won’t be enough people backing out to prevent that, but it sucks that I might not be able to give the artists $100 each for drawing the things. We’ll see what happens over the next couple of weeks I guess.
I stumbled across this interesting random generation movie. They give a computer a collection of audio & video clips to randomly generate a film. Kind of cool. It’s called “White on White”.