Almost Back

I hope everyone is doing good, I know I haven’t been too active lately.  I did get the Silber machine back up & running, but then my daughter came down with a cold & insisted on me holding her through the night & missing a sleep period, so that gave me the cold & now Bride of Silber has it as well & it’s taken away the time/energy to do my Silbering.  It’s always something.  But hopefully I’ll be back on track in a few days & be getting some things done.  I did send out about 35 solicits for interviews for the QRD Father’s Day Special the other day (only one back in so far), so that’s at least something & I have a few button orders to fill & then a bunch of comics to assemble after some art tweaks & then some press releases to write & new releases to prep & I’m looking forward to a productive summer.

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