Suborrhea, Remora, Interview, Comics

So I got another flattering rejection letter for Suborrhea saying the editor dug it, but it wasn’t what they were looking for & that I should definitely self-publish it.  So… yeah… maybe in a few weeks I’ll decide to go for that.  My plan is to get it all set up first & in the end run a Kickstarter to see if there is any real interest & if not go for the print-on-demand route & just say I tried.

Did a minor re-tweak on the Remora pedal board to fit the Ditto pedal in.  Pretty happy with the rig at the moment which is awesome.  It doesn’t really sound like a shoegaze rig at all anymore (maybe it never did?) & it’s breathing a little life back into old songs & bringing in some new ones.  I may or may not have a few recording sessions over the next week, we’ll see what happens..

I got an interview up about my mini-comics over on The Outhouse.  I kinda wish I’d had the time to have my Kickstarter campaign be a week longer since the press is starting to come in at the end of things, but that’s how it goes some times.  I don’t think I’ll make it to my personal goal of 200 people contributing, but you never know.

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